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SOCAR Türkiye' Pronunciation: All oil in Israel ' and we're selling these products,

Jun 4, 2024 Business IDOPRESS

SOCAR made a written statement directed to claims in Turkey today. Açıklamada,"Ana şirketimiz olan Azerbaycan Devlet Petrol Şirketi SOCAR'ın ortaya koyduğu vizyon doğrultusunda,tüm faaliyetlerimizi uluslararası iş anlaşmaları çerçevesinde yürütüyoruz. Bu bağlamda,SOCAR'ın halihazırda ham petrolü İsrail'e sattığı yönündeki ithamlar asılsız olup,kasıtlı olarak kamuoyunu yanıltmayı amaçlamaktadır. Dünya petrol satış piyasasının kendine özgü özellikleri bulunmaktadır ve üretilen ham petrol,ticaret şirketleri veya bu şirketler aracılığıyla satılmaktadır. Tedarik şirketlerinin,ham petrolü hangi ülkelere taşıdığını veya hangi amaçlarla kullandığını kontrol etme ve müdahale etme imkanı yoktur" denildi.

The continuation of the report

The following expressions were given:In our general building in Istanbul, on March 12, 29, 31 May, and on June 2, the first time, the insurgent groups, the companies, say our company i s connected to the trade in raw oil, have provoked violent social media sharing and physical attacks that would jeopardize the safety of our workers. On May 24, Bursa's office, the continuation of more provocative actions that have been carried out in Bursa is endangered by the lives of our companies.

The continuation of the news

"In confirmation of the vision that the Azerbaijani Petrol Company revealed by SOCAR, there is no way to control which country the raw oil is transported or used for its purposes. In this context, SOCAR, like other oil companies, does not have the ability to control and interfere with the sales relationships between the commercial companies and the sales of the products it produces.In addition to this, i n the context of our common trade and commercial relationships, the commercial companies and the oil oil and petrpetroleoleoil submitted by SOCAR will not have to be able to control and intercontrol all the countries that are affected and used to use and to which purpose and to which purpose we have to use and to which purpose and to which purpose we have to do so.Strength and friendship links between Turkey and Azerbaijan, strategic alliance and improvement of the benefits of our people. With investments estimated at approximately $18.3 billion in six years that we started in Turkey, various years ago we worked with five thousand six hundred direct and 10,000 working in petrol and natural gas fields.Unfortunately, group of companies that operated in the field of petrol and natural gas saw that we conducted STAR Rafin, the largest foreign investor in Turkey and the largest integrated industry in Turkey with strategic mega projects like TANAP.This is our group. Our current investments in Turkey continue to expand with new investments. We are working with the social benefits of multi-corporate social responsibility project, which we have created, to start contributing to the closure of energy. In the tragedy of the earthquake we live, if we need free fuel from the first day, we will continue to take over and take over the area of basic needs. In a ten-year school we set up in different countries in Turkey, we support ten thousand love students. Toplumsal sorumluluğumuzun bilinciyle eğitim,çevre ve sosyal alanlarda çalışmalarımızı sürdürüyoruz.

Haberin Devamı

"Bir grup provokatörün ortaya attığı asılsız ithamları kesinlikle kabul etmemekle birlikte,kamuoyunun algısını manipüle etme ve yüz yıllık kardeşlik bağımıza zarar verme amacı taşıyan bu asılsız söylem ve eylemlere itibar edilmemesini rica ediyoruz. Türk ve Azerbaycan halkının ortak çıkarları ve refahı için çalışmaya devam edeceğiz. Şirket mottomuzda da belirttiğimiz gibi her zaman birlikteyiz. Güçlüyüz."


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