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League Against Cruel Sport chief quits after Labour ‘betrayal’ on hunting ban

Jun 24, 2024 Education IDOPRESS

Labour's manifesto contains a pledge to ban only trail hunting

Credit: Chris Strickland

The head of the League Against Cruel Sports has quit over Labour’s “betrayal” on their pledge to ban hunting.

Andy Knott is set to launch legal action against the charity and its former chairman and prospective MP Dan Norris,claiming that they attempted to silence his criticism of the “U-turn”.

The former army officer says Labour promised to close “all loopholes” in hunting laws but their manifesto contains a pledge to ban only trail hunting,which he described as a “smokescreen” which would have no impact.

Mr Norris,the Metro Mayor of the West of England,was selected to stand against Jacob Rees-Mogg just weeks after he was served with legal papers which allege bullying,harassment,and victimisation of a whistleblower.

It is alleged that he personally asked Mr Knott,who has led tours including in Afghanistan,not to criticise Labour for backing down.

Dan Norris,pictured,was selected to stand against Jacob Rees-Mogg

Credit: Matthew Horwood/Getty Images Europe

Sources with knowledge of the legal action have now questioned the decision to select Mr Norris as a candidate whilst he is facing serious allegations.

Labour did not respond to questions over whether Mr Norris declared the legal action before he was selected or whether they still consider him an appropriate candidate.

Separately,a party spokesman said that it was “absolute nonsense” that there had been any U-turn on their hunting pledges.

Mr Norris left his post as chairman of the League late last month.

His battle against Mr Rees-Mogg is a re-match of the 2010 election when the Tory took the seat Mr Norris had held for 13 years and is seen as the potential “Portillo moment” of the election.

But the campaign in North East Somerset and Hanham could now be overshadowed by the legal battle that is engulfing Britain’s biggest anti-hunting charity.

Mr Knott says that the League,which was instrumental in bringing about the original hunting ban under Tony Blair,is now just an “empty vessel of the Labour party”.

A former lieutenant-colonel and commanding officer of 2 Signal Regiment,Mr Knott says he was told by Steve Reed,the shadow environment secretary,in January that the party would pledge to “close the loopholes in the existing hunting laws on their manifesto”.

Andy Knott describes Labour's pledge to ban only trail hunting as a 'smokescreen'

Credit: Paul Grover for The Telegraph

The former chief executive of the League,who formed the Time for Change coalition of 35 charities campaigning for a total hunting ban,said that “millions went into achieving that pledge”.

But by February he was “asked to let them remove it without kicking off” and “refused”,he has claimed on social media.

The Telegraph understands that his legal claim will allege that he was then victimised because he blew the whistle and left with little option but to quit his post at the charity in March.

After he quit attempts continued to “gag” him,including withholding pay,it is alleged.

The Telegraph understands he decided to bring legal action,including for constructive dismissal,after he received a letter from a former member of his team banning him from being a member of the charity.

Mr Knott says that he is “hurt and gutted” that “after all I did to ban hunting” he was told by a “trusted colleague” that he is “not fit to be in the League”.

The Telegraph understands that letters before action were sent to Mr Norris and the charity in April and cases will be lodged with the employment tribunal and the High Court in the coming days.

When the Labour manifesto was published,it included a promise to ban trail hunting,a commitment welcomed by the league.

Mr Knott said: “Closing the loopholes in the existing Hunting laws covered strengthening the Hunting Act,and banning trail hunting,which is not part of the [act]. To just do the latter won’t work and the hunters might already have a workaround. It might be as simple as changing scent.”

Current trail hunting follows the scent of a fox. Sabs have claimed that hunts in Scotland have avoided a recent trail hunting ban by calling it “simulated hunting” and following the scent of clove oil.

Mr Knott described Labour’s manifesto pledge as a “betrayal”,a “sellout” and the “new smokescreen in hunting”.

He says that the League “sending postcards and prancing about in a fox costume won’t get back what they lost after I left. It cost me my job. They didn’t make a noise at Labour’s U-turn,because they are now an empty vessel of the Labour Party.”

‘Absolute nonsense’

A Labour spokesman said: “This is absolute nonsense. As we set out in our manifesto,the next Labour government will strengthen the Hunting Act to end trail hunting that is used as a smokescreen for the illegal hunting of foxes,deer,and hares.”

A spokesman for the League said: “The League is aware of certain statements being made by a former member of staff,but we are unable to comment further due to protections that safeguard all current and former employees’ data.

“The League’s unequivocable focus has been,and remains,on lobbying the next government to properly ban hunting by eradicating loopholes in the current law,banning trail hunting,and introducing custodial sentences for those caught illegally hunting. We are working hard,together with our dedicated supporters and numerous coalition partners,to see this change made as soon as possible after the election.”

What Mr Knott described as a “sellout” by Labour was welcomed by rival campaigners,who believe that the party has listened to their warnings over the original pledge to close all loopholes.

Tim Bonner,chief executive of the Countryside Alliance,said: “It is disappointing that Labour is still in pursuit of the hunting community,but in rowing back from a more extreme position it has at least heeded some of our warnings.”

Mr Norris did not respond to a request for comment.

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