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Bridgend: School-run parking row continues at Lon Derw

Oct 7, 2023 Education

Residents of a street at the centre of a school-run parking row say issues at pick-up and drop-off times are persisting 18 months after a protest.

People living on Lon Derw, Tondu, Bridgend, blocked the cul-de-sac in January 2022, claiming cars and property had been damaged.

They said the issues have continued outside Brynmenyn Primary School, describing the situation as "carnage".

Bridgend council said obstructions should be reported to the police.


South Wales Police said parking was a local authority matter.

Mal Harris, a resident of Lon Derw, said the situation had not improved at all.

"We've been dealing with this issue since I moved here in 2018, and there is still no solution to the problem with inconsiderate parking on Lon Derw during school drop-off times," he told the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS).

"It's really causing residents to suffer now and we think something has to be done," he said.

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Residents say parents on the school run park "wherever they can"

He said the housing estate was a small cul-de-sac with one road in and one road out, and because there is nowhere to park, parents come in to the estate and park wherever they can.

"It can be carnage out there at times, with dozens of cars lining the pavements and roads, blocking people in to their driveways, and causing tensions to flare," he said.

"Obviously it's very stressful to the people who live here when they can't get in or out of their properties, but to have this amount of traffic coming in to a small estate like this is unsafe for the children and pedestrians as well," Mr Harris said.

He said police had been in the area which provided temporary relief, but once they leave "it goes right back to how it was before".

Another resident who lives on the estate but did not wish to be named said they had considered moving in order to get away from the issue.

They said: "We find it really hard here at the moment, as at least twice a day it's like you're living in a car park and it just isn't fair."

Car park Brynmenyn SchoolIMAGE SOURCE,LDRS
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Parents say there has been a police presence at Brynmenyn Primary School during drop off times

Bridgend councillor Tim Thomas said he had been dealing with complaints for years from angered residents.

"While I am aware there remains concerns over the safety of the school drop-off point in Brynmenyn Primary, the council must adopt measures to resolve this.

"This could include parking marshals or considering lockdown periods. There would likely be a financial cost to this, but that would be a small price to pay for the safety of pupils within the school and outside in the community."

Bridgend council said: "If any vehicle causes an obstruction by parking inconsiderately on a public highway, it should be reported to South Wales Police so officers can assess whether an obstruction has occurred.

"Safety is paramount and there are parking restrictions on the access road to the school to assist with road safety and to facilitate access to residential properties in the area."

It added parking enforcement officers patrol the area and enforce restrictions where appropriate.

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