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LONGi joins UN Global Compact Forward Faster initiative to accelerate private sector action to reach SDGs

Sep 20, 2023 Education

The world leading solar technology company LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (LONGi) joined a new initiative today at the Private Sector Forum during the SDG Summit 2023 to accelerate private sector action at the pace and scale needed to deliver on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and meet the 2030 Agenda.

The UN Global Compact Forward Faster initiative calls on business leaders everywhere to take measurable, credible and ambitious action in areas that have the power to accelerate progress across all 17 SDGs where the private sector can collectively make the biggest, fastest impact by 2030.

The SDG Progress Report released earlier this year by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, showed that just 15 per cent of the Sustainable Development Goal targets are on track, progress on 48 per cent is weak and insufficient and progress has stalled or gone into reverse on 37 per cent of the SDGs.

Mr. Li Zhenguo participated in the Private Sector Forum 2023 with United Nations officials and business leaders. Photo: Joel Sheakoski/UN Global Compact

"Renewable energy is seen as key to achieving multiple SDGs." LONGi's founder and president Li Zhenguo shared his insights with other participants of the forum. Mr. Li Zhenguo believes that the development and promotion of renewable energy technologies can not only provide power for the clean energy transition and reduce carbon emissions, but also promote socio-economic growth, create job opportunities, enhance energy security, improve health and education levels.

By increasing investment and promotion in renewable energy technologies, feasible solutions can be provided for SDGs, while creating a more sustainable future for global social, economic, and environmental challenges. Mr. Li Zhenguo further explained.

The Forward Faster initiative focuses on five action areas: Gender Equality, Climate Action, Living Wages, Water Resilience, and Finance & Investment. LONGi has committed to 3 detailed targets in 2 action areas:

  • Gender Equality
    • Equal representation, participation and leadership across all levels of management by 2030.
    • Equal pay for work of equal value by 2030.
  • Climate Action
    • Contribute to a just transition by taking concrete actions that address social impacts of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in partnership with actors such as workers, unions, communities and suppliers.

At Private Sector Forum 2023, global business leaders shared their views with governments and announced ambitious actions and investments to advance the achievement of the SDGs. The forum also praised the pioneer of United Nations Global Compact's "Forward Faster" initiative - companies that have committed to achieving ambitious goals before the launch of the Forum, including LONGi.

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