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Last minute... Bakan Şimşek: Program gerçekten çalışıyor

Jun 4, 2024 Life IDOPRESS

Minister Shimsche has been working on NTV: In some areas, success takes a lot of time. We evolved to a more balanced composition when we grew up. Geçen sene ikinci çeyrekte büyüme yüzde 4 civarı ama iç talebin büyümeye katkısı 10 puandan fazla. The great emperor's open, melted reserves are the reflection of that period. In the first quarter of this year, net exports increased to 1.6 percent. Internal demand will still be strong, but more comfortable. There's a balance in growth, so that's the program. There's a warm road ahead of the heating, and the explosion found the top. It's something we've been saying since the beginning. The program is usually in line with our goals. We shared the explosion with the public that he would find the top in 70. The explosion began to rise due to some effects. p>

Haberin Devamı


Cari açık artık giderek daralıyor. Last May, the audit amounted to $57 billion. It's going to be $25 billion on May. The Caribbean is half open. Cari is going to fall below 2.5 percent in the estimated six percent last year. Turkey needs external resources. Reserve allows someone. Last May, Turkey's reserve went up to $44 billion. Since the beginning of 2020, reserves other than swap have increased for the first time. Because in the last two months, 65 billion dollars have flown to the Central Bank. Onun 3'te 1'i kısa vadeli dışarıdan kaynak,yine yaklaşık olarak ona yakın bir kısmı portföy tercihleri olarak TL varlıklara,bir de orta uzun vadeli bankaların şirketlerin hazinelerin küresel piyasalardan devşirdiği orta uzun vadeli kaynak var. Kısa vadeli kaynaklar her an yön değiştirebilir,sırtımızı oraya dayamıyoruz. How did we do it, safe? He found a total of $144 billion in the last year. Turkey has a huge decline in MB burdens. With the increase in reserves, we need to think about the burdens under conditions.

Turkey's risk primitives hit 700 points last May, currently around 260 points. Turkey's risk premium is still high. We're at the beginning of the program. p>

"The credit rating institutions increased our note from 11 to 12 years later. Without the program? There's no program on the market for a long time. Bu program kaynak falan çekmez dediler. There's an unprecedented source entry in history, and when Reel paid $100 for the foreign loan, he only found $73. When our banks paid $100, they only found $96. When our banks pay $100, they can find $150 resources and cheaper. The program works much better than we do. After 12 months of infection, 21 percent of the population is expected to continue. If the market is applied by determination, the inflation will fall by 21 percent.

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We had to release dry last year in space. Set up on 18 lira in 2021, treated as KKM. We released the drought if the competition was to go to a narrow throat. Construction is as high as no time. Geçen sene büyük oranda depremin etkisi ama seçim de var. Bütçe açığı yüzde 10'lara çıkma ihtimalinden konuşuluyordu. We went to the financial consolidation to pull 5 percent open. We increased taxes, these are inflationists. Of course, there's no ground to fall in the infection. We said for months, the design is a past year. 75 percent of infections are high. This flashfor the last 12 months. There is a source that does not appear to be similar to the wife in history; How do we get the TL out of the market in return for the date we get? They say the news will fall due to some effects. It's not just some effects. Enflasyon kalıcı şekilde düşüşün eşiğindedir. For a long time, we've rebuilt money policy in order to eradicate inflation. Currently, there's a functional money policy. Financial policy last year, and this year's a broader policy. We're taking extra treatment now. In particular, we have reached the end of the reform that will ensure justice and efficiency in taxation. Over the next year, the budget is clearly below 3 percent. To make it neutral or supportive from the flash. We will implement financial policies openly next year.

Financial depreciation, selective loans, inflation will be permanent, but time will take place. In 56 countries, 100 infectious shocks have been investigated. Enflasyonun şok öncesi döneme geri gelmesi ortalama 3.4 yıl alıyor,biz ilk yılımızdayız. All actors must be patient.

Month inflation went down to three percent. The explosion is falling, it feels citizens. It's time for the service sector. Trust increased, that's the most critical change,confidence declines. You ask 70 economies,who know the job. In 12 months, you say the inflation goes down to 33, and they say it goes down to 21 in 24 months. The infection in Turkey is not new. It's not an easy process to break the inflation. Sabır ve kararlılık gerekiyor. We felt our president's support. It's a team job. There are high-quality teams in MB. We can't determine the global emtia price. Petrol and natural gas prices go into the program framework. If any shock happens, we need to see it at risk. When the program was established, no new breaks were predicted in the treatment chain. Many products have been travelling around Africa, not from the Swiss Channel. Our policies are very disappointed, no. There is no need to re-detect the wheel. No privacy or separation here.

Cari is much better than the current healing program, and will be better. İç talep ılımlı hale gelecek,ithalat azalmaya devam edecek. Our external trade partners will begin to pool the economy. As trade partners grow faster, Turkey's exports will demand faster. We want to keep it under 2.5 percent, as a percentage of the income, permanently open. It's hard to get the infection down from the ground. The energy begins with our biggest import pens. We published 284 products, which identifies half of these products as commercial openings. If anyone can produce these, we're going to lend them 10 years from the TL gene without paying them two years. The most important thing about the new industrial policy. By the end of the day, the darkness has increased tremendously. Geçen yıl Mayıs ayında DİBS stoğundaki payı yüzde 0.5'e inmişti. Go up to 2013 and see 28 percent. It's going to 10 percent fast right now. In the last 12 months, it's obvious that it's $7.3 billion for DYBS. The loan is $3.6 billion. In 12 months, there's a $17 billion entry, which is faster. When we're going to download our inflation, there's going to be a lot of serious background flow. Our banks began to diverge from global markets such as large-scale greenhouse gases after 2017. Our banks have serious resources around $4.5 billion for long-term projects.

When the Central Bank takes a tattoo, it gives TL to the market. If TL is liquid, inflation is in danger. We need to get some of the important parts out of the system, it's the business center. If necessary, we will support it as treasure. We're looking at alternatives. We're doing a situation assessment on the authority framework. In short, the amount of compression is difficult for the banking sector. MB is so proactive, we're ready for treasure. p>


We can't afford a blanket or a blanket. Carry trade piyasanın bir parçası. This is going to happen, but what's important here is, I believe when the program results, the valleys will be extended. As long as possible, I believe the risk will decrease. So I'm serious about the risk reduction. We respect the portfolio preferences of the alliance. TL is more attractive, TL is more reliable.Our preference is global.from theft.


We have prepared the program for note increases, implementing, in 11-12 years Turkey's notes increase. Tüm reyting kuruluşları not görünümünü pozitife çektik. Let's say Turkey's spreadsheets are slowing down, which is important to us. Go after the spreadsheet programme, look, Turkey's spreadsheets dropped last year, according to the prime development rate paid by the countries in the United States in the same valleys as the spreadsheet last year. At the moment, the market is pricing us like our credit note is up to 1.5 females. I believe our credit notes will increase. If we don't do anything, renting will disappear. We don't work for this sort of arrangement. Set price on the market and demand. We're going to increase the housing. We're focused on the earthquake. We sent all the resources to the earthquake area. Konut arzını sosyal kesimlere yönelik artıracak destekleyici tedbirleri program başarılı oldukça özellikle deprem yaraları sarıldıkça oraya odaklanacağız. From the next year, the market will support the conditions. Half of us are campaigns, and we are increasing extra resources from this area in terms of urban change. We're going to increase the rent growth to a reasonable path. We invested enough in vehicles and airports. Turkey met his needs in that area. Turkey's competitive power will be directed to infrastructure work. The tax of the Asgari institutions will begin all over the world. Some of Turkey's corporate tax credits have been damaged for years and have not been snowing. Do you keep the company open for many years? Yüksek teknoloji firmalar istisna tabi. Geleneksel bir sektörde 5 yıl üst üste zarar etseniz siz devam eder misiniz? We're looking at patience and kindness. I'd like to share with you when you get to a certain point. We evaluate all ideas. p>


received from Turkey to the Greek list. We need to get out of the grey list. We need coordination. There are jobs in MASAK's detention, why are we still on the grey list? We've presented the action plan, we've done the editorial, we've had a problem with the application, and it's called for an effect on the financing of black money and terrorism. Finally, this year's verification was decided in February. Yerinde denetime birçok ülkeden uzmanların katıldığı heyet bizi ziyaret ettiler,şahsen görüştüm. If you don't get us out of the list, we'll fight with black money. We'll fight hard with black money. It's our priority to fight terrorist finance. We'll get out of this list. This month's meeting will be held, with Turkey coming out of the list on a daily basis.

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