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65 Abortion Centers Have Closed Since Dobbs, Saving Thousands of Babies From Abortions

Dec 6, 2023 Life

A new report from a pro-abortion group provides great news for protecting babies from abortion and supporting pregnant women. The report from the misnamed “Abortion Care Network” indicates dozens of abortion businesses have closed in the last two years.

According to its figures, 23 independent abortion businesses closed this year, protecting thousands of babies from abortion and helping mothers in need find better alternatives. When that total is added ot the 42 abortion centers that closed in 2022, a total of 65 abortion businesses have closed down since the June 2022 Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

The pro-abortion group noted that most of the closures are independent abortion centers not affiliate with Planned Parenthood. While the nation’s biggest abortion company has shifted its focus towards the dangerous abortion pill that kills babies and injures women, these independent abortion centers still do surgical abortions. The closures likely mean that the smaller percentage of women still getting abortions will be more likely to use the dangerous abortion pill.

The report comes after an extensive analysis the pro-life group Operation Rescue conducted that shows considerably more abortion centers closing across America. In 2023, another 49 abortion clinics closed or halted abortions, for a total of 137 clinic closures in the last two years, its figures show.

Currently, 14 states are abortion free, with laws in place that protect incalculable numbers of innocent babies from being murdered in the womb.

In 2023, 49 abortion clinics closed or halted abortions. Between 2022 and 2023, a total of 136 abortion clinics have stopped killing. Cities that had abortion mills in full operation are now abortion free!

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After the overturn of Roe v. Wade, some clinics packed up and moved to other states that have little or no protections for in utero infants – states like New Mexico and Illinois. However, the expense and risk involved with such a move is significant considering that, according to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, one in five U.S. businesses fail within the first year of operation.

Of the 49 clinics that closed or halted abortions, the share of closures were nearly equal among pill-only clinics and surgical abortion clinics, 25 and 24 respectively.

Of the total 53 clinics that either opened or resumed abortions this year, 42 (79%) administer abortion-inducing drugs only, while 11 (21%) are surgical abortion clinics. The vast majority of surgical abortion clinics (99%) also perform chemical abortions.

After these adjustments were made, a net decrease of 13 abortion facilities was realized, from 683 in 2022 to 670 in 2023.

“This is a huge 69% decrease since 1991 when 2,176 abortion clinics were operating,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “The overturn of Roe v. Wade is undoubtedly saving lives. And the enduring efforts of faithful Americans on the pro-life side are paying off and having a winning effect.

“We celebrate countless babies saved in communities all over the nation as a result of 14 states becoming abortion free. Daughters, sons, and grandchildren live today that would not have lived otherwise.

“However, our findings reveal an alarming rise in dangerous mail-order abortions. While the pro-life community has much to celebrate, the pro-death crowd continues to find methods of killing as many human beings as possible. The prayers and work involved in exposing the evil behind the Abortion Cartel is more important than ever!”

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