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James Webb telescope: Baby star launches giant jets and shocks

Nov 7, 2023 Tech&Science

Imagine you could go back in time 4.6 billion years and take a picture of our Sun just as it was being born. What would it look like?

Well, you can get a clue from this glorious new image acquired by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

Towards the centre of this object, called HH212, is a star coming into existence that is probably no more than 50,000 years old.

The scene would have looked much the same when our Sun was a similar age.


You can't actually see the glow from the protostar itself because it's hidden within a dense, spinning disc of gas and dust.

All you get are the pinky-red jets that it's shooting out in polar opposite directions.

HH212 is sited in Orion, close to the three brilliant stars that make up the "belt" of the mythical hunter that gives the constellation its name. The distance from Earth is about 1,300 light-years.

Physics suggests those dramatic outflows of gas are the means by which the nascent star regulates its birthing.

"As the blobby ball of gas at the centre compacts down, it rotates. But if it rotates too fast, it will fly apart, so something has to get rid of the angular momentum," explained Prof Mark McCaughrean.

"We think it's jets and outflows. We think that as all the material shrinks down, magnetic fields are pulled together and then some of the material coming in through the disc gets captured on magnetic fields and is thrown out through the poles. That's why we call these structures bi-polar," the European Space Agency senior scientific advisor told BBC News.

The pinky-red colour denotes the presence of molecular hydrogen. That's two hydrogen atoms bonded together (rather like the "HH" in the protostar's name). Shockwaves are moving through the outflows, energising them and making them glow brightly in this Webb picture, which was captured predominantly at the infrared wavelength of 2.12 microns (that's the second part of the protostar's name!).The image of HH212 was acquired by JWST's Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam). You can't see the protostar itself because it's obscured by a dense, infalling disc of gas and dust. There are a few mature stars in the field of view, but most of the points of light are far-distant galaxies.

I've kind of suggested the HH stands for molecular hydrogen, and it's a neat fit. But it really stands for Herbig-Haro, after George Herbig and Guillermo Haro, who did the pioneering work on this type of object in the 1940s and 50s.

They would no doubt be amazed by the capabilities of JWST. It's not just the sharpness of image that Webb can achieve with its 6.5m primary mirror, it's also the breadth of colour its instruments can now detect that makes the telescope so special.

"As we said, the main wavelength for looking at these things - for looking at shocked molecular hydrogen - is 2.12 microns, or roughly four times longer than the mid-visible. But for the first time, we now have a good colour image of this particular object because we're able to observe it at other wavelengths that you just couldn't see from ground telescopes. And that will help us get into what's really happening in the jets," said Prof McCaughrean.

Webb was intended to be transformative in many fields of astronomy, and the study of Herbig-Haro objects has definitely benefitted.

Look below and you can marvel at HH212's cousin, called HH211. This object, located in the Perseus constellation, is even younger, again measured in mere thousands of years. To think our Sun started out like this.

HH211 is younger. Like its cousin, the jets are expanding at a rate of roughly 100km/s

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